EFFAS: Lack of Quality Assurance System Jeopardises Capital Markets Union

April 9, 2024. EFFAS, the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, participated in the consultation of ESMA on the European Single Access Point (ESAP) closed on 8 March 2024.EFFAS states: “In the age of automation, AI and complex electronic reports from issuers, such as IFRS consolidated financial statements and future reports in accordance with the […]

Institutional Money: DVFA participates in ESMA consultation on ESAP

March 20, 2024. Institutional Money published an article on DVFA’s statement on the ESMA consultation.  Excerpts from it:“The DVFA supports the ESAP concept, but we see an urgent need to supplement a quality assurance system,” said Thorsten Müller, CEO of the DVFA – association of investment professionals in Germany. In my role as the digitization […]

EU national law Extensions of the IFRS XBRL Taxonomy

February 28, 2024. When preparing the DVFA (German Association of Investment Professionals) statement for the ESMA consultation on the ITS of the new European Single Access Point, I came across the following question (Q24): “Do you think that information required at national level pursuant to Article 3(1) of the Transparency Directive (so-called gold plating) should […]

European Single Access Point (ESAP): ESMA consultation on draft ITS

January 8, 2024. ESMA launches a consultation on the technical specification (ITS, implementing technical standard) of the new European Single Access Point (ESAP). ESMA writes: “The establishment of the European Single Access Point (ESAP) is a flagship action of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan. The purpose of the ESAP is to facilitate access to […]

The complexity of ESEF harmonization

Paris, June 14 2022. With the introduction of the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) for the annual financial reports of listed companies, the European Parliament aims to improve the transparency of the capital markets, especially for small and medium-sized listed companies, to reduce information costs and to enable comparability of financial reports, among other things. […]

DVFA statement: German draft bill on annual financial reports (ESEF)

October 16 2019. The German Association of Investment Professionals (DVFA e.V.), and here the Corporate Analysis Commission, of which I am a member, commented on the German draft law for the further implementation of the Transparency Directive – amendment directive with regard to a uniform electronic format for annual financial reports – dated October 16, […]

Börsenzeitung: IFRS consolidated financial statements soon with iXBRL – digital transformation of financial reporting with obstacles

“The digital transformation is imminent for the traditional processes, starting with the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, the audit, the publication and right up to their use by investment professionals. Sure, there are consolidated financial statements in PDF format for download, balance sheets prepared in spreadsheets for investors, fee-based databases for investment professionals, but […]

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