EFFAS: Lack of Quality Assurance System Jeopardises Capital Markets Union

April 9, 2024. EFFAS, the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, participated in the consultation of ESMA on the European Single Access Point (ESAP) closed on 8 March 2024.EFFAS states: “In the age of automation, AI and complex electronic reports from issuers, such as IFRS consolidated financial statements and future reports in accordance with the […]

Institutional Money: DVFA participates in ESMA consultation on ESAP

March 20, 2024. Institutional Money published an article on DVFA’s statement on the ESMA consultation.  Excerpts from it:“The DVFA supports the ESAP concept, but we see an urgent need to supplement a quality assurance system,” said Thorsten Müller, CEO of the DVFA – association of investment professionals in Germany. In my role as the digitization […]

EFRAG publishes the Draft XBRL Taxonomy for ESRS Set 1 for the first time

The ESRS Set 1 was adopted by the European Commission on July 31, 2023 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on December 22, 2023. The final XBRL taxonomy is expected to be handed over to the European Commission and ESMA in summer 2024. more information: Draft ESRS Set 1 XBRL Taxonomy […]

European Single Access Point (ESAP): ESMA consultation on draft ITS

January 8, 2024. ESMA launches a consultation on the technical specification (ITS, implementing technical standard) of the new European Single Access Point (ESAP). ESMA writes: “The establishment of the European Single Access Point (ESAP) is a flagship action of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan. The purpose of the ESAP is to facilitate access to […]

EFRAG submits the first part of the draft ESRS to the EU Commission

November 23, 2022. EFRAG has handed over the draft of the first part of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) to the EU Commission. The results from the public consultation in summer 2022 are incorporated into it. The adoption of the standards via “delegated acts” is scheduled for June 2023. Source: EFRAG, Press Release, EFRAG […]

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