EFFAS: Lack of Quality Assurance System Jeopardises Capital Markets Union
April 9, 2024. EFFAS, the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, participated in the consultation of ESMA on the European Single Access Point (ESAP) closed on 8 March 2024.EFFAS states: “In the age of automation, AI and complex electronic reports from issuers, such as IFRS consolidated financial statements and future reports in accordance with the […]
DVFA calls for uniform EU quality assurance software for ESEF financial and ESRS sustainability reports from ESMA
March 8. 2024. As part of the ESMA consultation on the new European Single Access Point (ESAP), the DVFA, the association of investment professionals in Germany, criticized the lack of a quality assurance system as a serious design flaw in the ESAP. The DVFA Commission for Corporate Analysis, of which I am a member and […]